Friday, 12 October 2012

Music video website research - 12th October

What are the key features of a successful website?
- Contact information
- Videos and Pictures
- Easy to navigate - lots of different sections
- Simple Layout
- Consistent Housestyle
- Appropriate colours to suit band/genre
- Interactive
- Understandable
- Promotional tool
- Mechandise

Psychographics - Gathers psychological information. IAO (Intrests, Attitude and Opinions)

Resigned - Rely on law and order
Struggler - May be associated with poverty, poor education and gang culture
Aspirer - Focus on their image, want to appear rich, attractive
Succeder - People who have status or control, generally competitive.
Explorer - Enjoys the extremes, likes taking risks and seeks adrenaline experiences
Reformer - Makes decisions based on their values

Convergence - When a companies advertisment can be found on another website e.g. Sky - Katy Perry.

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